Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thyroid Health -- Off to the doctor


Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to the doctor I go...and am getting tired of it. I want to take less medicine! I hate pills and am trying to be good about taking my pill everyday but it has been a huge struggle. I hate taking pills...even to the point that I get a yearly allergy shot to avoid having to take a pill all of the time (which for my allergies was probably 300 days out of the year).

The weight loss has been such a struggle until recently. I have found some things that are working and I have lost 12 lbs. and 10". Here is what I have been doing!

Have a great week! :)


P.S. If working at home sounds like something you are interested in, please take a look at one of the things I do at the website here.

Thyroid Health


Katie Schwartz said...

Hi There, I saw that you posted a comment on our site, dear thyroid. would you be interested in submitting a letter to your thyroid?

I know what you're going through-- I'm still trying to get mine balanced. It's a lot to deal with. Support helps.

Please consider it.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I wanted to say hi and appreciate your well written thyroid information. I just posted a comment under yours on another thyroid blog. I too have a Thyroid Health website at BellaOnline. My google blog is>